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AAS Business Management/Marketing (Online)

Acquire your Business Management/Marketing AAS degree online and fast-track your business career.

Associate in Applied Science (AAS) - HEGIS Code 5004

The fully online AAS degree in Business Management/Marketing program is designed to provide students with a foundation education needed for success in business. Students will learn practical knowledge and application of skills in essential disciplines such as Management, Marketing, Selling and Accounting. Credits earned may be transferred into the bachelor’s degree programs.


  • Employ strategic decision-making skills for project management.
  • Apply marketing strategies to identify, attract, and retain the right customers.
  • Define the operations management strategies used to identify and choose reliable supply chains and efficient processes to turn raw materials into final products.
  • Demonstrate fundamental knowledge and application of business concepts in the business setting and in business case studies.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of digital marketing practices, including consumer engagement and conversion, branding, social media and e-mail campaigns, and data protection and privacy policies.

Course No.   Semester
BUS103 Introduction to Business » 3

This course allows students to explore a variety of industries of interest to them. The structure of the organizations, competitive activity, consumer attitudes as well as the job functions needed to make each successful will be examined. Students will engage in group discussions regarding the importance of the industry to the consumer and the economy. Students will complete this introductory course with a broad knowledge that can be streamlined to a specific industry in courses that follow.

Number: BUS103
Credits: 3.00
Type: Business Administration
School: School of Business (Online)

BUS112 Principles of Marketing » 3

This course surveys the general nature of marketing concepts, process, organization, and buyer behavior. It also examines the basic decision areas of product, distribution, promotion, pricing and society’s interaction with the dynamics of marketing.

Number: BUS112
Credits: 3.00
Type: Business Administration
School: School of Business (Online)

BUS122 Integrated Business Applications » 3

In this course, students will examine the concepts and applications of Microsoft Word & PowerPoint. Students will use these technology tools to create business documents, marketing materials, and develop effective business presentations that will prepare them for today’s information based business environment.

Number: BUS122
Credits: 3.00
Type: Business Administration

BUS203 Principles of Management » 3

A thorough study of the most modern management methods. Analyzes the areas of organizing, planning, staffing, directing and controlling the organization. Examines the relationship of individuals in line and staff positions and the nature and interaction of the activities.

Number: BUS203
Credits: 3.00
Type: Business Administration
School: School of Business (Online)

ACC107 Financial Accounting I » 3

Students taking Financial Accounting I will be involved in accounting theory and its applications. In addition, there will be an in-depth study of the nature of assets and liabilities such as cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable, short-term investments, inventories, plant and equipment, intangibles and the preparation of financial statements. During the semester, emphasis will be placed on journal entries, posting, preparation of month-end financial statements as well as closing and adjusting entries.

Number: ACC107
Credits: 3.00
Type: Accounting

ACC127 Spreadsheet Applications » 3

This course introduces Excel spreadsheet concepts using software in the Windows environment. Topics to be covered include: creating the Excel worksheet, formulas, functions, enhancing spreadsheets with graphs and charts, analyzing spreadsheet data (what–if analysis) and working with large worksheets.

Number: ACC127
Credits: 3.00
Type: Accounting
School: School of Business (Online)

DMD220 Social Media for Marketing & Advertising » 3

This course will explore the various facets of social media and its uses in the current digital landscape. Students will explore and analyze various social media tools and platforms and examine why and when each should be used. Students will apply various social techniques to real world cases to begin, or continue building, a social media portfolio. As a class, students will engage in discussions about the current social landscape and the place social media has in online communications, marketing and advertising, and personal branding. Students will acquire or expand upon the essential knowledge for a foundation in social media management, strategy and content creation.

Number: DMD220
Credits: 3.00
Type: Digital Media
School: School of Business (Online)

BUS230 Principles of Selling » 3

A practical approach to learning the basic phases of the sales process necessary to become a successful salesperson and employee: approach, demonstration, sales resistance, closing, selling through suggestion, product knowledge and analysis. The course relates the importance of communication to successful living and employment through development of poise, demeanor, style of dress, sales ethics, influencing people, behavior patterns, buying and motives.

Number: BUS230
Credits: 3.00
Type: Business

BUS123 Human Resources Management » 3

Provides the foundation for the contemporary theory and practices relating to the management of people through a behavioral approach. Major attention is devoted to the process of personnel procurement, development and maintenance of human resources. This includes sound practices in selection, training, motivation and compensation of employees.

Number: BUS123
Credits: 3.00
Type: Business

BUS279 Customer Relationship Management » 3

Providing excellent customer service is key when it comes to relationship management and customer retention. Students will learn basic greetings and conversation starters, as well as how to maintain a professional presence when dealing with customers. We will look at the correlation between customer service and the increase of sales and revenue. A variety of communication tools will be examined and evaluated to determine what methods may be appropriate in keeping in touch with your client base. The term project will require students to create a Customer Service training manual for a company/industry of their choice.

Number: BUS279
Credits: 3.00
Type: Business

  Total Major-Related Credits 30
Course No.   Semester
GEN105 Transformative Learning » 3

This course will introduce students to the value of change, personal growth, and transformation. Students will engage in activities designed to stimulate reflective thinking, create a positive personal outlook, and foster “behaviors of success.”

Number: GEN105
Credits: 3.00
Type: General Education

GEN115 Digital Literacy in the Workplace » 3

The objective of this course is to familiarize students with digital technologies as they are being used in the workplace today, and explore how emerging technologies are likely to continue to evolve. Students will be exposed to digital technology fundamentals to better position them to readily adopt common workplace technologies. Students will also learn about security concerns, ethical considerations, digital communications etiquette, and other important concepts related to the use of digital technologies.

Number: GEN115
Credits: 3.00
Type: General Education
School: School of Business (Online)

GEN125 English Composition I » 3

In this course, students develop their reading comprehension and written communication skills. Different styles of writing are examined as students develop writing proficiency through practice in planning, outlining, drafting, revising and editing. In addition to regular class meeting times, Day Division students are required to participate in a ten-week Writing Lab component which counts as ten percent of the grade for English Composition. For the Day Division, the Writing Lab is graded as Pass or Fail.

Note: Writing Lab is not required in the Evening division or for fully online programs.
Prerequisite: Proficiency Examination and/or ACE108

Number: GEN125
Credits: 3.00
Type: General Education
School: School of Business (Online)

GEN127 English Composition II » 3

This course builds on skills developed in English Composition I by presenting additional writing styles and helping students further refine their writing skills. Research skills and MLA documentation are also introduced. In addition to regular class meeting times, Day Division students are required to participate in a ten-week Writing Lab component which counts as ten percent of the grade for English Composition. For the Day Division, the Writing Lab is graded as Pass or Fail.

Note: Writing Lab is not required in the Evening division or for fully online programs.

Prerequisite: GEN125 or permission of Chair

Number: GEN127
Credits: 3.00
Type: General Education
School: School of Business (Online)

GEN129 Essentials of Public Speaking » 3

Communication skills require good speech habits. Therefore, this course covers organization of thoughts, voice control, diction, and presentation of ideas to a variety of audiences. The art of listening is also studied. Emphasis will be placed on a series of oral presentations in order to acquire and reinforce these skills.

Number: GEN129
Credits: 3.00
Type: General Education
School: School of Business (Online)

GEN147 College Mathematics » 3

This course will provide complimentary sessions to Foundations of Math in fundamental mathematics. Ratios, percentages, proportions, descriptive statistics, word problems, basic geometry, and an introduction to algebra will be covered. The course provides a sound understanding in basic math concepts necessary for future math courses.
Prerequisite: Proficiency exam and/or ACE106

Number: GEN147
Credits: 3.00
Type: General Education
School: School of Business (Online)

GEN157 Statistics » 3

This course offers an introduction to basic statistical theory and application. Topics to be discussed in detail include: sampling procedures, finding mean, median, and mode; finding the variance and standard deviation; graphing histograms and bell curves. This course also illustrates how statistics are used in the business world as well as in the media and the benefits and drawbacks of statistical information.

Prerequisite: Proficiency exam and/or ACE106 or permission of Chair

Number: GEN157
Credits: 3.00
Type: General Education
School: School of Business (Online)

GEN186 Principles of Economics » 3

This course covers the foundational principles of economics. Macroeconomics, where money, spending, and income intersect, along with microeconomics, focusing on individual choices, trade, and supply-demand dynamics are examined throughout the course. Understand economic challenges, indicators, and decision-making at both national and individual levels are discussed.

Number: GEN186
Credits: 3.00
Type: General Education
School: School of Business (Online)

GEN250 Ethics and Professionalism » 3

This course will introduce the student to the moral principles and standards that guide behavior in today’s complex society and business. The definition and application of moral philosophies are used to explore ethical decision-making using a case study approach. Economic, legal, and social dimensions are explored along with interpersonal relationships and the development of morality within individual thinking.

Number: GEN250
Credits: 3.00
Type: General Education
School: School of Business (Online)

  Total General Education Credits 27
  Open Electives (1) 3
  Concentration Elective (2) 6
  Total Elective Credits 9
Course No. Hospitality Semester
BUS261 Front Office Operations & Reservation Systems » 3

Students will study various activities that are the responsibility of the front office. Focus will be on guestroom availability, reservation processing, guest registration, night audit, check-out procedures and the importance of technology and the Internet for optimum operation of the business. The impact this office has in conjunction with all other departments in the organization that are needed to operate a successful establishment are reviewed.

Number: BUS261
Credits: 3.00
Type: Business Administration

BUS263 Hospitality Marketing & Management » 3

The elements of product, price, promotion and place are applied to the Hospitality industry. Students will examine a variety of popular hotels and resorts to understand who they appeal to and why. This course will require students to develop a marketing plan focusing on product mix, new product development and concepts as well as consumer likes and dislikes. The importance of diversity, pricing and consumer needs is examined.

Number: BUS263
Credits: 3.00
Type: Business Administration


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