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2019 Remarks at Family Welcome Event

2019 Remarks at Family Welcome Event

October 15, 2019

Student Center, The College of Westchester

As delivered.

Good Evening and Welcome!

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to be here tonight.  I am touched and excited to see that so many of you have been able to participate.  I know you all have many commitments.
¡Buenas tardes y bienvenidos!

Gracias por tomar tiempo de su ocupadada agenda para estar aquí esta tarde.

Your involvement in your student’s education is crucial and critical to their success. 
Involucrarse en la educación de sus estudiantes es crucial y crítico para que tengan éxito.

Some of the best things I ever did for my kids was to give them the support they needed as much as I could, and helped them learn how to connect to  support that I could not give them myself.  My girls are now in their 30’s, and while it is not as hands on as it used to be, they still need support; whether emotional, financial or professional.  We all know that this support and attention begins when our children are first with us, and changes as they grow.

I know it is a daunting task to help your child select the right college.  Thank you for choosing CW.
Yo se que es una tarea desalentadora ayudar a sus hijos a elegir la universidad correcta. Gracias por haber elegido a CW.

College is a time of significant growth and maturity for young adults.  It is fun and exciting for us to be a part of that transformation process.  What differentiates our college from others is the caring environment with personalized interest in your loved one’s success.

As the family member of a new college student, you may hear this multiple times, but it bears repeating:  the more a student attends classes, the more successful they will be.  The more a student is absent, the more likely they are to have difficulty academically.  Your child needs to be in class to succeed.
Entre más asistan los estudiantes a clases, más exitosos serán. Entre más veces estén ausentes los estudiantes, mayores serán las posibilidades de tener dificultades académicas. Su hijo necesita estar en clases para que sea exitoso.

What I told our newest students at their orientation was this:  it is about showing up, and it is about working hard.  Don’t be absent, ask for help, plow through and work hard.  Though college may be a breeze or it may be tough, on those toughest days, hang in there and don’t forget to ask for help.  College is your oasis, your safe place, the place that you can succeed and do great things for yourself, and we are here at every step of the way!  That combination will make your student successful.  Why?  Because success is literally about all of the people, staff, faculty, library, learning center, counseling center, financial assistance, admissions, success coaches and advisors and career counselors, who are with your kids, every step of the way, celebrating the successes and helping them when they need extra support.
Porque el éxito se trata literalmente de la gente, el personal, la facultad, la biblioteca, el centro de aprendizaje, el centro de consejería, asistencia financiera, admisiones, entrenadores de éxito, supervisores, consejeros académicos, quienes están con sus hijos en cada paso que den, celebrando el éxito y ayudándolos cuando necesitan apoyo extra.

You may also want to check tonight to find out if your student has signed a release to allow you to talk with their advisor.
Tal vez hoy quieras averiguar si tu estudiante ha firmado la forma dónde indica que tu puedes hablar con su consejero.

 If they have signed a release, please feel free to call advisement to check in on their progress, or if you have concerns or want clarification on any academic or financial matters, please feel free to reach out.  You will be meeting your student’s advisors, faculty, success coaches, staff from The Learning Center and Library.

I would be remiss if I didn’t spend a moment speaking about our faculty.  At CW, faculty are fully credentialed professionals.  Most have spent much professional time in their field of study, whether accounting, business, interactive media and marketing, networking, allied health or accounting.  They are not focused on research as you find in some larger institutions, though some do publish in their own time.  Our faculty are focused on students, and student learning outcomes, innovative methods of engagement and instruction.  Courses are taught by these faculty members, not grad assistants as you might find elsewhere.  Faculty are approachable, all have office hours and a presence on the web in CW’s learning management system and virtual campus online.  You couldn’t have picked a better group to work with your child.
La facultad es accesible, todos tienen horario de oficina, y presencia en la web, a través de la página interna de aprendizaje y el campus virtual en línea. No pudieron encontrar a un mejor grupo para trabajar con su hijo.

So please know that you are not alone in your goal of insuring your child’s success. 
Así que por favor sepan que no están solos en su meta por asegurar el éxito de su hijo.

Our dedication to students, high standards of excellence and unique mission is what leads to graduate success. In this past year, 89.04% of grads are employed in their field of study or a related field, and many will be going on for advanced degrees.  This is the other reason why CW is a great choice.  While we do not promise anyone a job, almost 90% are working in field soon after graduation.  We appreciate the opportunity to provide your children with the same great education that thousands before them have achieved.

  • Most students choose CW because they want a career focused education that leads to career and financial security
  • We want to do all that we can to live up to your expectations
  • If we don’t live up to your expectations, please let us know.  You can always call or email anyone at the college for assistance.  Call your child’s academic advisor, or email me at president@cw.edu
  • Si no cumplimos todas sus expectativas, por favor díganos. Siempre puede llamarnos o mandar un correo electrónico a la universidad y pedir que le asistan. Puede llamar al consejero académico de su hijo o mandar un correo a president@cw.edu

My favorite day of the year at CW is commencement, graduation day; excited graduates, proud parents and family members, spouses, children, friends, as well as the CW community, cheering on your kids as they make it to the finish line.  It is always an amazing day, and I look forward to seeing you all there.
Mi día favorito del año en CW es el día de la graduación. Graduados emocionados, padres orgullosos y miembros de la familia, esposos, esposas, hijos, amigos, así como la comunidad de CW, todos celebrando que sus hijos han llegado a la meta. Siempre es un día maravilloso, y espero con emoción ese día, para verlos a todos ahí. 

Thank you again for being here tonight.